Engineering and Technology
Pathway Description:
Professionals in the engineering and technology field continue to revolutionize the way we live. They design, produce, operate, and maintain a variety of equipment and services we use in our everyday lives. The rapidly changing engineering and technology field requires a broad educational background and a lifelong commitment to learning new and specialized information. Overall job opportunities in engineering and technology are expected to be good but will vary by specialty. Technology and technology related employment will continue to increase as technology changes and new technology is invented. Engineers may work in design and development, testing, production, or maintenance. Almost all entry‐level engineering jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree, and most engineers specialize in a certain field. Those interested in an occupation in the engineering field should be creative, inquisitive, analytical and detail oriented. Engineering is considered a nontraditional field for women; therefore, it is important that female students investigate different engineering opportunities where salaries are higher than in many traditional occupations for females.
Target Career:
- All Engineers and Engineering Technologists
- Civil Drafters
- Cost Estimators
- Mapping Technicians
- Electrical & Electronics Drafters
- Electronic Technician
- Quality Control Systems Managers
Georgia Course Standards:
Career Student Technical Organization: