ECCA Weekly Call Home
Hello, ECCA Knights! This is Mrs. Huntley with what is happening for the week of February 9, 2025 at Effingham College and Career Academy.
No Knight Time this week for STEM Students. However, we do have a half day on Thursday due to Parent Teacher Conference Night. Please follow watch the following video for information on our half day schedule and events: https://app. nBRwnRC5dE86rDQzSQJN -
Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday. Please contact Mrs. Murray ( to schedule a conference.
Remember, we will have winter break and NO school February 14th-17th. Staff and students will return on Tuesday, February 18th.
Please remember to follow the ECSD uniform policy. Students may NOT wear leggings, yoga pants, or jeans. Piercings are limited to three in the earlobe and tattoos must be covered. Outerwear worn in the building must be navy, white, ash, black, or the school-designated color and may not have an emblem larger than a credit card.
We will have a STEM student jeans day on February 13th for $1 in support of CURE. Bring a $1 and wear jeans with your club tshirt…no rips or holes allowed.
Also, please remember that students are not allowed to bring in outside drinks in disposable containers such as Parker's, Mcdonald's, Starbucks etc, or open cans … they must be in a sealed drinking container
We are selling snacks at the school store daily. Cash and Cards are accepted. Chick Fil A biscuits will be sold on Thursday morning this week.
The 3rd Annual Taste of the Knight is on Tuesday, February 25th from 6 to 8 pm. Tickets are on sale now on our website.
All drivers should have a parking permit and have an assigned spot. ECCA students may not park in the Savannah Tech parking lot. Drivers without a parking permit will be ticketed.
Earn points for your house when you log books you've read. Scan the QR code on the flyers posted around the school to log books of at least 150 pages. Your house will earn one point for every book you log and the house with the most books read each month will earn 2 additional points. Each book you log earns you an entry for a gift card! Drawings will take place at the end of each month. Happy reading!
Do you want to be like Paddington and travel to Peru? Enrollment is open for Summer 2027. An info session will take place on February 11 at 6 pm in the auditorium. Join us! There will be a special $1000 scholarship opportunity so you don't want to miss it! See Mrs. Straub for details.
Cold and Flu season is upon us. Please ask your child how they are feeling each morning before school. Please remind your students to wash their hands frequently and to cover coughs and sneezes to help decrease the spread of germs. Please refer to the student-parent handbook health services tab for the complete policy regarding illness at school. https://www. district/ecsd-handbook?post_ category_id=30
Have a great week! Go Knights!