Parent-Teacher Conferences - Spring 2025
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Spring 2025
The Effingham County Board of Education has designated February 13 for Spring Parent-Teacher Conference Day. On this day, students including Pre-K, will be dismissed early from school, and parent-teacher conferences will be held in the afternoon. PLEASE EXPECT YOUR CHILD HOME EARLY ON THURSDAY, February 13. February 14th, and 17th are holidays for all students. The dismissal conference times for each school are listed below.
The purpose of the conference day is to give teachers and parents time to meet and discuss academic progress and concerns for students experiencing difficulty. Parents are also encouraged to monitor student performance continuously and stay informed through tools on the system website such as Parent Portal, which offers parents access to information on grades, assignments, and attendance. To accommodate all parents, teachers will hold in person and virtual conferences. Each conference will be limited to 15 minutes. If you require additional time, please contact your child’s teacher. Due to Pre-K guidelines, parent conferences will not be held for Pre-K students at this time. State guidelines require conferences to be held mid-year and at the end of the school term.
You will receive additional notice from your child’s school if your child’s teacher deems a conference is necessary at this point. Parents who plan to attend conferences will receive a time from their children’s teachers before the scheduled conference. Those parents wishing to have a virtual conference will also receive a link they will use to join the conference. Parents will need internet access as well as a computer or Chromebook with a camera and speakers to fully engage during the conference. I encourage you to schedule a conference so that we may work cooperatively to improve your child’s education.
Dr. Yancy Ford
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent of Schools
School Dismissal Times - February 13, 2025
- Dismissal - 11:20 AM & 12:15 PM
- Effingham College & Career Academy/STEM
- Dismissal - 11:25 AM
- South Effingham Elementary
- Dismissal - 11:30 AM
- Blandford Elementary
- Dismissal - 11:35 AM
- Marlow Elementary, Rincon Elementary, & Sand Hill Elementary
- Dismissal - 12:00 PM
- enCompass Academy
- Dismissal - 12:10 PM
- Springfield Elementary
- Dismissal - 12:15 PM
- Ebenezer Elementary, Guyton Elementary, & Crossroads Academy
- Dismissal - 12:40 PM
- Ebenezer Middle, Effingham County Middle, & Effingham County High
- Dismissal - 12:50 PM
- South Effingham Middle & South Effingham High
Parent Teacher Conference Date and Times
- Thursday, February 13th - 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Blandford, Marlow, Rincon, Sand Hill & South Elementary Schools
- Thursday, February13th - 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM
- Ebenezer, Guyton, and Springfield Elementary Schools; Ebenezer, Effingham County and South Effingham Middle Schools; Effingham County and South Effingham High Schools; Effingham College & Career Academy/STEM Academy, Crossroads Academy, and enCompass Academy
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